gloomy=not fab

So, it is gloomy again in ATL and i'm sick of it. if i wanted this kind of weather i'd still live in Seattle. i'm trying to be positive (read: i put a picture of a flower), but alas i seem to be trying and failing. i have been feeling kind of lonely lately. i feel like i'm ready for a good relationship to come along, but at the same time when coworkers/friends talk about their relationships i'm so glad i'm not in one. maybe that's unfair, but i think it's unrealistic to think your realtionship would be so much better than someone else's: are their problems so unique? doubtful.
so, top 5 things for today:
1. i was deleted as someone's friend on myspace-and impressed by the balls it took to do it. and depressed that i care about whether someone deletes me as a friend on myspace.
2. i'm excited about my fatburning class today
3. i'm out of school for the sememster
4. i get to see kelly next week
5. i'm getting a vaccum cleaner.
Congratulations on the new Vacuum Cleaner.
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