fab = Water

i enjoy acting as though people actually read this, so with that i must apologize for taking so long to get this up this morning. today felt like a saturday because i got to sleeep in until 7 a.m.! This felt like oodles of sleep compared to my usual 5:15 wake up. i also slept undisturbed as richard left the other day. i'm usually awaken by him coming in later or his jaw clicking in his sleep. weird. but, alas, i'm free of him! ;) last night i went to see Water with Shyam. http://water.mahiram.com/ it was amazing. sad and beautiful. i have a hard time with suffering, the amount of it in our world, and my feelings of helplessness in doing something about it. it was a beautiful movie and took a long time to make with all the set-burnings and death threats.
Shyam invited another friend of his and i was really suprised at my reaction when she told me she was planning on converting to Islam. my reaction was not visible but in my head i just thought "WTF?" i immediately began to think of my knowledge of Islam and it's oppression of women. now, this is not to imply Islam is the only religion that is oppressive towards women. and argubly they are all oppressive in different degrees. and sometimes not so much actively oppressive but historically. anyway. i was suprised. and do admit there are women that find comfort in the things i find oppressive and wrong. sigh. anyway, the film was beautiful, i would really like to go to India one day. i wish i had more money for travel. so, the top 5 places i'd like to go (in no particular order):
1. vietnam
2. thailand
3. australia
4. costa rica
5. africa (real specific, i know)
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