mo' money mo' problems

not much rattling around in my cabesa this afternoon. i've been trying not to buy anything this week for two reasons. one, i spent a lot of money last weekend with kel, kindel and emily in town. honestly, it was all on food. and two, i heard about a group of women who decided not to buy anything but food and used items for one year. i thought that sounded interesting so i'm givin' this week a shot. hopefully, it will turn into more than that. i've already joined the library and looked into free events and classes. but with that in mind here are the things i've been thinking about buying this week: new dixie chicks album, dixie chicks concert tickets, bellydancing coin sash, and getting a spray tan for the wedding this weekend. the coin sash is, evidently, a belly dancing essential. not just something for flare. you use the sound they make to know if you are doing it right. the class last night was fun. it was just a lot of info mostly. it's too crowded though. i don't know what their cap is but they have a very small space and a lot of dancers. it should be fun though. i have some sunless tanner at home, maybe i'll just do that as to not spend any money. i challenge you blog readers, to try and not buy anything but food-from the grocery store (not eating out)- for a week.
i'm excited it's summer! here are five things i want to do this summer:
1. start volunteering somewhere
2. read
3. learn how to rock climb (GSU has $2 classes)
4. go to WA state
5. camp
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