3 day weekend, always fabulous

whew. the weekend is over! it was a little hectic with Lonnie & Christina's wedding and Richard being in town for the last time in addition to it being his birthday. but, when monday rolled around i had nothin' to do. and it was amazing. i slept in until 10, went to JC Penney and used almost all of my gift card and got great deals, then went home and fell asleep on the couch for about 3 hours. beautiful. i also watched Kinsey. which was interesting. i can't believe how freakin' hot it is. you can't really be outside between 10-6. it's just too hot.
anyway, the wedding was great! lonnie and christina are officially mr and mrs weatherby. seeing everyone was awesome! i'll get to see bob-o and lee-lo again this weekend for my cousin Joe's wedding. i think that one will be pretty different (read: less fun). i wonder if they'll have a soul train line? i dunno, i just hope it's not a full mass. eek.
top 5 things on my mind today:
1. dating, in general what do i want, do i prefer being alone, am i ready to be in a serious relationship
2. belly dancing tonight!!!
3. should i sign up for another month of bootcamp? i have the enthusiasm, just not sure about the funds and if i don't do it and they call me up to volunteer, will i be able to keep up?
4. my summer travel-WA state, Bonnaroo
5. my cat. i wish i were sleeping with her right now.
update: it's not a full mass! hooray, the ceremony will take about 30 minutes!
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