jojo gets tasti!
so, anyone who knows me knows i love ice cream. and frozen treats in general. well, yesterday i was given the opportunity to fulfill one of my childhood dreams: working in an ice cream shop at tasti d lite! what's great is tasti d lite is low in calories and fat and is all natural!!! i'll only be working a few nights a week, for fun really. it's only .5 miles from my house so i'm also looking forward to interacting with my community. i'm a little concerned with my consumption of said tasti de lite. i have never gotten sick of any sweet. i've never gotten to the point where i'd eaten so much of it i didn't want anymore. lucky for me it is lower in calories and fat, becasue i would definately bulk up quickly. as my dad pointed out "you're going to be putting on what you took off in the morning!" sadly, there is probably some truth to that. all the same, i am excited to start saying "cone or cup?" i am sore today. we usually don't work out on wed. morning, so i sign up for kickboxing that night. but since we didn't work out on monday we did wed. morning, i didn't want to flake on the class so i went to that too, then we did the long run this morning (usually around 6 miles). i also got a blister in my arch from the run. weird. anyway, my hugely buff shoulders are hugely sore. tomorrow i think we're going to play soccer though. they add in a few extra balls so we're all always moving, it should be pretty fun. i'm also excited that i bought dixie chicks tickets this morning! woo hoo! it should be an awesome show. top 5
1. i'm really noticing a difference in my arms and shoulders
2. book club tonight!!!
3. uh, tasti d lite job
4. still pumped about being an bc instructor!
5. i ran a BUNCH today
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