gross stomach, far from fabulous

this weekend was fun. fri i went to christina & lonnie's house for a bbq. supa fun. i love having family so close. sat. i did kickboxing, a shift at tasti d lite, a prarie home companion & the local with kindel. then sunday i slept more than i have in months. it was storming outside so i snoozed on the couch all day-until it was time to go to loca luna & Chicago with kindel & theresa. fun fun. it would have been even more fun if i spent the day makin' out on the couch and then falling asleep, but we take what we can get, i guess.
i feel really crappy today. the weather is still yucky (though we do need the rain) and my stomach is unhappy with me for some reason . i don't know what i did to it but it is determined to get everything out one way or another. eww. the postcard above is from postsecret. if you do not already visit this site you should start!!! this card cracked my heart a little. a part of me hoped jared would show up this weekend. it would at least be a small movement towards a change within him. a larger part of me (maybe my ars? ;) ) was relieved he didn't. it's just hard to completely let go, whenever i think i have i find myself hoping he'll be at my door when i get home. but i know that wouldn't be good, and even if it was good at first, it wouldn't be that way for long. sigh. i wish someone would just come along and show me what it's like to be treated as well as i deserve, as well as i would treat them.
top 5 thoughts about changing jobs
1. good oportunity for me
2. i'll miss most of my co-workers immensly.
3. having a job that challenges me.
4. ugh, i hate driving
5. what will people be like at GS?
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