opportunities galore: fabulous!

well, i don't want to jinx anything. it's not as though i've gotten offers for anything, it's just that i realized how many things out there that i'm interested in that are a possibility for me! i found a new job posting today that i'm very interested in, talked to the owner of operation bootcamp about working for her, and had a conversation with the woman that interviewed me at girl scouts that made me think they were still interested. so, things are going well.
so, i know it may seem ridiculous to credit bootcamp with so much but it's really helped me realize what i'm good at and what i like doing. i have such a chip on my shoulder about my current position that i forgot that there are things i'm really good at, and that other people percieve me as smart and capable. i was in more of a slump then i realized. today was my first day as an instructor and it was super fun. i didn't get as good of a workout but i know other days will be better. we had 2 pukers! bootcamp is hardcore!
top five things i didn't realize until i became an instructor:
1. people get grumpy and go to "the dark place" very quickly.
2. instructors get free coffee after workouts!!!
3. they have an awesome commraderie
4. they are fun-ny
5. and diverse, we have an immigration special agent and the head pastry chef at the ritz!
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