losing your job? not fabulous.

yes it's true blog-readers. in 2 months i will be unemployed. merkledomain is closing their atlanta office and therefore we're all losing our jobs. so, the job hunt begins. i have never really done an all out job search before. i've always found jobs through other people. i'm trying to test that theory by telling everyone i know about my job status. my fellow bootcampers are quite encouraging! i am looking for a job in the nonprofit sector. i applied to one at the local girl scout council that seems to be the perfect fit. we'll see, the salary is not listed though they do require a degree so that implies a little more. sigh. i'm not worried yet, but as i am looking through idealist and opportunitynocs (both nonprofit job sites) i am starting to get a better picture of the task ahead of me. send good vibes! i need um'! oh, and send job opportunities. in other news. i attended my cousin's wedding in jacksonville this past weekend. it was fun. i hadn' seen my cousin Lynn in years and it's amazing how much she's grown up. she has her lipped pierced and i wish she didn't. i mean i love piercings, but it really does look better when she doesn't have it in. i also had a very specific dream about honey (my cat) being able to drive. it was crazy. i kept telling her she wasn't allowed to do that but then also thinking "but hey she's pretty good." i can still see her little paws on the steering wheel and she would look both ways. she was very alert. it was actually pretty sweet. top 5 things in an ideal job:
1. an organization that is contributing to society in a positive way
2. serves women
3. casual work wear
4. good salary (35k+)
5. great peeps!
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